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The                              Story

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FlightSight was originally developed for the United States Air Force, contract No. FA2487-16-C-0130.  The purpose of the technology was to augment the capabilities of the autonomous and remotely-piloted fleet of the US Air Force.  FlightSight effectively eliminates the need for chase planes, which are currently mandated by the FAA for flights involving autonomous and remotely piloted aircraft to meet See and Avoid requirements.  Moreover, FlightSight maximizes survivability and mission success for aircraft involved in missions that restrict on-board emitters to avoid detection.   




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Over the past two and a half years, beginning in 2016, Pathfinder has taken FlightSight from a breadboard idea to a TRL7 technology.  Pathfinder’s approach to the development of FlightSight has been characterized by the use of model based methods and live flight test experimentation.  Frequent test flights have allowed Pathfinder to continuously evaluate the efficacy of its approach, the accuracy of its object recognition software, and the predictive capabilities of FlightSight.

Despite its military roots, FlightSight can, and should, be integrated into any, and every, aircraft.  FlightSight will augment safety for piloted aircraft, and will facilitate the expansion of autonomous and remotely-piloted aircraft operations in the general, commercial, military, and private aviation sectors. 

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Pathfinder Systems Inc.

12567 W Cedar Dr. #150

Lakewood, CO 80228

Phone: (303) 763-8660

Fax: (303) 763-8902

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